Tailings management: technology implementation of high-pressure filtration
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This article presents and discusses the advantages of using a high-pressure filtration press for tailings management, after reviewing typical alternative technologies currently used for solid/liquid separation equipment.
A short case study on coal processing and a feasibility study for a mining operation are used to demonstrate the success of this technology as an attractive alternative solution
to the current technologies and operation of tailings dams and tailings storage facilities (TSFs).
The paper proposes that the installation and use of specialised high-pressure tailings management systems can lead to significant process optimisation with operational and capital cost savings. Similarly, the paper recommends considering the
replacement of ‘old’ technology and removal of tailings dams to be evaluated for its long-term effects even after mine closure.
The paper concludes with the suggestion that this approach will be beneficial for new and existing process applications and shows the flexibility of integration into new and existing mining infrastructure, regardless of the sophistication and process environment